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05.12.2024 ➞ Media
Anja Dahlmann in the Media: Drones in the Ukraine War; Negotiations on Autonomous Weapon Systems
Anja Dahlmann explained the role of drones in the Ukraine war in the Rheinische Post (link). She spoke to Table.Media about  ...
17.10.2024 ➞ Media
Artificial Intelligence in the Ukraine War: Interview with Zeit Online
Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in the war in Ukraine, particularly through the use of autonomous weapons systems such  ...
02.10.2024 ➞ Media
Regulation of Autonomous Weapon Systems: Interview with Table.Media
Why is the regulation of autonomous weapons systems in “The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW)” stagnating and in which alternative  ...
25.07.2024 ➞ Event
Artificial Intelligence and Nuclear Weapons
IFSH Discussion Event on the Sidelines of the NPT PrepCom in Geneva Will algorithms soon decide on the use of nuclear weapons?  ...
28.06.2024 ➞ Event
IFSH Researcher Speaks at Federal Foreign Office Conference
The Federal Foreign Office conference series “Capturing Technology – Rethinking Arms Control” took place this year under the title “Artificial Intelligence  ...
10.06.2024 ➞ Publication
Peace Report 2024: Rüstungsdynamiken / Aufrüstung einhegen
The global death toll from wars and conflicts is at an all-time high, while the fight against climate change, poverty and  ...
25.04.2024 ➞ Event
Autonomous Weapon Systems: Webinar at the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP)
Where do we stand and where do we go from here? Under this guiding question, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and  ...
05.05.2023 ➞ Event
IFSH Researcher at ISA Annual Conference 2023
Survey experiments, increasingly popular in studying international politics, were highlighted in a dedicated panel at the recent International Studies Association (ISA)  ...
27.03.2023 ➞ Publication
DIANA – NATO’s Emerging Technology Center
In their latest piece for the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Dr Ulrich Kühn with his former IFSH colleagues Marina Favaro and  ...
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