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Anja Dahlmann

Anja Dahlmann
Head of the Berlin Office & Researcher

Anja Dahlmann has been head of the Berlin Office and researcher at the research and transfer project Arms Control and Emerging Technologies since October 2021. In addition, she is working on her PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Elvira Rosert. Previously, Anja Dahlmann worked at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik – German Institute for International and Security Affairs, most recently as a researcher and head of the project The International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons (iPRAW). In that capacity, she focused on humanitarian arms control and autonomous weapon systems and advised the German Parliament and Government as well as other actors. In 2013, Anja Dahlmann graduated as M.A. in Political Science with an addition of international and European law at the University of Göttingen.

Research profile and current projects

Anja Dahlmann closely follows the international negotiation process on autonomous weapon systems at the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. Accordingly, her work covers international humanitarian law, arms control, emerging technologies, and the United Nations. Furthermore, she frequently discusses German defense issues, especially with regard to armed drones. Anja Dahlmann contributes to the FCAS Forum by Airbus and the Fraunhofer Institute and was a member of the International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons.
Her PhD thesis examines the issue of autonomous weapon systems, too, looking into the questions of norm development process in International Relations.


AI and Autonomous Weapon Systems



IFSH – Berlin Office
Anja Dahlmann
Reinhardtstraße 7
10117 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 240477510


2024 ➞ Buchkapitel
Digital Battlefield: Concept, Technology and Prospects.
Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth, Anja Dahlmann. 2024. Digital Battlefield: Concept, Technology and Prospects. In: Research Handbook on Warfare and Artificial Intelligence, hrsg. von Robin Geiß, Henning Lahmann, 76-98. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
2024 ➞ Arbeitspapier oder Policy Paper
Für eine gerechtere und friedlichere Welt: Warum Rüstungskontrolle konsequent feministisch sein muss.
Dahlmann, Anja, Sina Brauer. 2024. Für eine gerechtere und friedlichere Welt: Warum Rüstungskontrolle konsequent feministisch sein muss. Policy Brief 1/2024. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-policy-brief-0124.
2024 ➞ Buchkapitel
Rüstungsdynamiken / Aufrüstung einhegen.
Brzoska, Michael, Anja Dahlmann, Tobias Fella, Christopher Fichtlscherer, Una Jakob, Alexander Kelle, Lukas Mengelkamp, Thomas Reinhold, Niklas Schörnig, Liska Suckau, Tim Thies. 2024. Rüstungsdynamiken / Aufrüstung einhegen. In: Friedensgutachten 2024, hrsg. von Bonn International Center for Conversion, Leibniz Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH), Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden, 92-111. Bielefeld: transcript.
2022 ➞ Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Conference Proceedings: Science, Peace, Security ’21: The Impact of new Technologies: Destabilizing or Enabling Resilience?
Göttsche, Malte, Sibylle Bauer, Anja Dahlmann, Friederike Frieß, Filippa Lentzos, Götz Neuneck, Irmgard Niemeyer, Thea Riebe, Jantje Silomon, Christian Reuter, Jakob Brochhaus, Lukas Rademacher, Hrsg. 2022. Conference Proceedings: Science, Peace, Security '21: The Impact of new Technologies: Destabilizing or Enabling Resilience?, 8-10 September 2021. Aachen: RWTH Aachen. DOI: 10.18154/RWTH-2022-02256.
2022 ➞ Zeitschriftenaufsatz
AI Will Kill Us All: The Truth behind the Myth.
Dahlmann, Anja. 2022. AI Will Kill Us All: The Truth behind the Myth. encore - The Annual Magazine on Internet and Society Research 2021/2022: 34-42.
➞ Further publications


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